I used to be convinced of that also, only based on the repetition from "authority." Once I looked into it in detail, however, BECAUSE I WAS WILLING TO LISTEN TO THOSE I OPPOSED, I learned that anything I could conceive of testing could be accomplished without animal trials. But current rules just about force new things to hurt animals in some sadistic way or another. Source: was in a startup and we ran headfirst into the unreal, psychotic and unjust walls that keep new companies from entering the markets that Big Rx control.
Just to be clear in honest “ethical” research it is required to do research in animals, including monkeys. Sad, but true
I used to be convinced of that also, only based on the repetition from "authority." Once I looked into it in detail, however, BECAUSE I WAS WILLING TO LISTEN TO THOSE I OPPOSED, I learned that anything I could conceive of testing could be accomplished without animal trials. But current rules just about force new things to hurt animals in some sadistic way or another. Source: was in a startup and we ran headfirst into the unreal, psychotic and unjust walls that keep new companies from entering the markets that Big Rx control.
Vivisection isnt ethical either