At the local level you get better customer service and products because that vendor wants you to come back, not go two blocks over. Large corporations don't care because they are run by the same people. Don't like Coke drink Pepsi, the globalists own both. American Airlines, Delta, Southwest?, T-moble, ATT, Verizon? Apple, IBM?
Comments (14)
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Hence the reason the Covid lockdowns didn't apply to big chains stores.
We need to keep foreign majority ownership out of our country. We should require at least 70% American ownership if a foreign company wants to invest here.
A rudimentary search revealed only 6 countries Americans can buy land of any type. That was from 2 separate sites. In my wife's country, the Philippines you can't buy land at all, but can buy a condo with no more than 40% foreign ownership.
Businesses must be majority Philippines ownership. So if things go south everything is a gift to the Filipinos involved.
Multinationals need to be abolished completely, they are no longer loyal to the country they were founded in. They can shift profits and losses around and the same with manufacturing and operations. They have massive incentives for glabalization.
Yes, and most countries do that and for land too.
We DEFINITELY need to do that. And any foreign product coming over that we already have an abundance of, put a huge tariff on it.
Heck Yea!
And we should also break up certain companies that have too much control over certain markets. Nestle is one big example that needs to be broken up.
Crony capitalism is not at all capitalism... Mom and pop stores and businesses are.
I can't think of a single large corporation that gives a good product at a fair price.
Sprayway has some good glass cleaner.
I dunno. Think I'd rather pledge allegiance to Elon Musk than Globohomo USA. Let's try the anarcho-capitalist model with soulless megacorps running everything and fucking each other up with augmented cyborg samurai.
When corporations and government become indistinguishable (fascism) the problems start.
Look at the resumes of corporate officers in tech, pharma, defense, energy, etc and a large percentage will show past government "service". To know the future corporate officers, look to the government agencies that regulate those industries.
Its as if government "service" has become an apprenticeship program or a prerequisite for corporate success.
This is pure fascism. Mussolini is quoted as saying, “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”
I further define what they have planned for us as neo-feudal fascism.
Yeah, a lot of truth in a paragraph. You are an efficient writer.