You've heard the expression, "don't shit where you eat" right?
Well, I think an even more pertinent expression could be "you don't put poop in the fridge."
Or rather, "people don't put poop in the fridge."
It's not something people just do for no reason. Sure, it's not immediately obvious when you first put it in there, but the smell will bleed out and incorporate itself into all the other food in the fridge. It'll sour the whole thing. Instead of just having shit on the table like the typical expression goes, everything gets infused with shit taste and smell. In many ways, it's a worse thing to store poop in the fridge than to shit where you eat.
Now, you may ask, "what does this rambling mess have to do with anything?"
Biden had poop in his fridge. Pelosi had poop in her fridge.
What the fuck?
They have evidence of corruption, stupidity, gay lovers, paying hookers with Russian oligarch money, and quid pro Joe deals.
All that was stored away, kept preserved by the FBI.
But NOW of all times, it's all coming out in less than a month?
It's poop in the fridge. They made everything SO MUCH WORSE by sitting on this shit and letting it infuse everything and everyone associated with them.
It has to be planned. They have to know they're doing it. It's not just a distraction or a misdirection. It's not just them getting rid of these fossils in power by cooking up a sensational story.
There's poop in their fridge. I want to know why. I don't trust their explanations, hell I don't even trust our own. They aren't just shitting where they eat. They put evidence and stored it in their garages. They blatantly lied about their own surveillance capabilities. They have tasked the MSM to fuel the conspiracy theory narratives -- lifting them up so they can pick them apart.
These documents from Biden -- this "attack" on Pelosi, and her subsequent EXORSICM!? didn't just happen. There's more to this whole story. The exorcism rumors are connected to this video drop today, it's more than just a hunch.
They're "exorcising" the bad rumors, the bad spirits, about her husband and his underwear visits with chunky fuckbois. This video feels like it's staged.
Because people don't just put poop in the fridge. It's not something they do. Some people shit where they eat, but they don't poop in the fridge. Nobody is so stupid as to sit on evidence of their wrong doing and release it for no apparent reason whatsoever.
I'm suspicious of these recent "happenings"...
Wait what?!?
Where the heck do you guys poop??