What's up with Gold, Silver and oil on the Debt clock???
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It could me that the m2 money supply has stopped.
That calculation is based on the 'increase' (year on year) of the m2 money supply.
If that drops to zero, then the running totally would be zero divided by the amount of gold mined. i.e. zero.
edit: notice the m2 money supply tracker is decreasing.
Ah I think I see it.... its all about the ratio of "production" of each? Not the value then?
Edit: If M2 is declining, meaning 0 production.... Zero times "whatever" = Zero
Yes, that's it.
If you click on the box with the figure, it should show a pop up window with the full text relating to the asterisk, which basically says what I mentioned above.
Thanks! This old guy still learns something every day.
Thanks for posting this. I saw that too. I would like to know as well.
Are you talking about the gold ratio and silver ratio being much higher ?
Ohhh. I didn’t look hard enough. Wall Street Silver did a segment
https://youtu.be/SLqH-NkFs0k but haven’t watched it yet.
No... The Dollar to oil ratio, Dollar to silver ratio, and the Dollar to Gold ratio is showing "0". Glitch maybe? If not then, Katie bar the doors on what is coming. Meaning the "Dollar" is not worth the paper it's printed on or the digital bits representing it. Poof... its a goner
I'm thinking that asterisk is purposeful but i don't know what it means.
Click on the asterisk bud.... Shows the meaning on top middle drop window... I missed at first as well
thank you, fren!
You can all stop with the chicken little cbdc bullshit because that’s exactly what it is. BULLSHIT. those values came from using yoy change in m2 money supply as one of the variables. The government stopped reporting m2 money supply. They can no longer calculate those numbers. That’s it. No fucking “something is close” bot driven narrative.
Did they stop reporting with in the last 30 days?? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL
I'm thinking you're onto something with the flak you're getting from the shill account.