I left my immediate family (except for one sister) due to family issues over 20 years ago and these have been the happiest years of my life.
One of my big issues was repeatedly being told 'here's what's wrong with you' (projecting their issues on to me). Sounds kind of like what you're dealing with. I don't miss that at all.
Same, along with a little deeper verbal abuse. Sometimes you have to just dump the toxic elements of your life and move on, regardless of whether they're family or not, and decide that you aren't going to go through life like that anymore...
I left my immediate family (except for one sister) due to family issues over 20 years ago and these have been the happiest years of my life.
One of my big issues was repeatedly being told 'here's what's wrong with you' (projecting their issues on to me). Sounds kind of like what you're dealing with. I don't miss that at all.
My life story. Right here. There are such things as toxic families / toxic parents.
Same, along with a little deeper verbal abuse. Sometimes you have to just dump the toxic elements of your life and move on, regardless of whether they're family or not, and decide that you aren't going to go through life like that anymore...