I’ve been looking to get my hands on some Fulvic acid with minerals. A small little container of Shilajit showed up at my house, wife had no idea I was even considering it, so I took that as a sign. I call it “the shit”.
Anyway, the shit has virtually everything I want. Like, too good to be true. I was considering sea moss, and still might, but it seems like this shit is exactly what I was looking for.
I heard about this a while back from a guy said he found it at a ganja dispensary. He is fairly ripped and said it gives him more power when he hit's the heavy weights, but tastes like crap. I dunno, I might have to try that.
Reminds me of years ago first hearing about Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae. Never was sure if it really is a super food or what have you, but maybe I should revisit that, as well?