Electric vehicles are the Net Zero Zealots’ nightmare
The Net Zero Zealots’ electric vehicle dreams are a disaster. The minerals used in the electric batteries are not easily recyclable or disposable and the power required to support the mass use of e…
Wait until car thieves discover that the batteries in electric cars can be re-sold for $10,000 each.
You won't see many more catalytic converters stolen. Everyone will switch to stealing electric cars.
EVs are not "Net Zero" and far from it. Using this term for EVs is no different than referring to a Vax☠xine as being 'Natural'.
When This is all over they will start making Hemi's again. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Spring little Cobra getting ready to strike, spring little Cobra witha all of your might.......😂🤣