She may be a tortured soul now. But even to us atheists, she isn't atheist anymore. 'She' isn't anything anymore. Sure, the constituent matter that makes up her body still exists, and with any luck the atoms forming her mass will become worm food and fertilizer, and be a part of new life. Because ya know, life begets life. So give a little back.
Anything that was 'her' is gone. And that is no great loss to me or most others, but to those that knew and loved her it is awful. What's worse, is this probably could have been avoided. If only she had taken some time to focus her over-analytical mind on the dangers of the vaccine, she could be red-pilling her family and friends. Instead, they have personal tragedy.
When I'm worm food, I sincerely hope you all get a good laugh or hearty chuckle at my expense. Hell, mock away even! 😂🤣
I just really hope I don't perish due to my own folly, because that's fucking embarrassing. 😳
Hah, nope!
She may be a tortured soul now. But even to us atheists, she isn't atheist anymore. 'She' isn't anything anymore. Sure, the constituent matter that makes up her body still exists, and with any luck the atoms forming her mass will become worm food and fertilizer, and be a part of new life. Because ya know, life begets life. So give a little back.
Anything that was 'her' is gone. And that is no great loss to me or most others, but to those that knew and loved her it is awful. What's worse, is this probably could have been avoided. If only she had taken some time to focus her over-analytical mind on the dangers of the vaccine, she could be red-pilling her family and friends. Instead, they have personal tragedy.
When I'm worm food, I sincerely hope you all get a good laugh or hearty chuckle at my expense. Hell, mock away even! 😂🤣
I just really hope I don't perish due to my own folly, because that's fucking embarrassing. 😳