Fuck this article. See- this is more white savior guilt. I stopped reading at, “ In so doing, we violated the autonomy of those who would be most negatively impacted by our policies: the poor, the working class, small business owners, Blacks and Latinos, and children.”
If you are white and college educated- fuck you anyway.
Fuck this article. See- this is more white savior guilt. I stopped reading at, “ In so doing, we violated the autonomy of those who would be most negatively impacted by our policies: the poor, the working class, small business owners, Blacks and Latinos, and children.”
If you are white and college educated- fuck you anyway.
Good thing is those types were all the ones frothing at the mouth to be first in line for every jab and booster.
After all, they are so much more educated and intelligent than all the mentally inferior antivaxxers who don't understand science.
Shame now that those so much smarter than everyone else are dropping dead from a case of the suddenlies, a real shame.
We should start capitalizing White.