Trump told you years ago the Storm was coming and to Prepare.
It dumbfounds me that people do not stay prepared to be able to survive for a few weeks, at least, without civilization. Stock what you can, now, and good luck.
Driving round country there are a ton of people homeless, especially disabled
My parents were prepared for 40 years of retirement.
They had to liquidate over the past 18 months just to stay alive. All isn’t well out here. Many vaxxed and unvaxxed are sick due to the shots or shedding.
Inflation is evil because evil if you did prep and we’re prepared, many got wiped out these past 18 months.
Well .... yeah, we've been hit hard ourselves but not wiped out, yet.
I have always lived in hurricane areas and we just naturally always stayed prepped for at least a couple weeks of primitive living. Before the chinese flu tho, even then most folks didn't prep.
But yeah, these days people are lucky to not be belly up by now or close to it. And shelves are not stocked with much today if a person does have spare cash.
My Lovely Wife gripes at me some when I come home with another bag of rice or beans but that's good eatin', cheap.
Whole meal protein shakes are good also. I’ve lived off those and healthy fats many a times. Many people forget some of these vitamin stores have good meal replacements.
Trump told you years ago the Storm was coming and to Prepare.
It dumbfounds me that people do not stay prepared to be able to survive for a few weeks, at least, without civilization. Stock what you can, now, and good luck.
Driving round country there are a ton of people homeless, especially disabled
My parents were prepared for 40 years of retirement. They had to liquidate over the past 18 months just to stay alive. All isn’t well out here. Many vaxxed and unvaxxed are sick due to the shots or shedding.
Inflation is evil because evil if you did prep and we’re prepared, many got wiped out these past 18 months.
Well .... yeah, we've been hit hard ourselves but not wiped out, yet.
I have always lived in hurricane areas and we just naturally always stayed prepped for at least a couple weeks of primitive living. Before the chinese flu tho, even then most folks didn't prep.
But yeah, these days people are lucky to not be belly up by now or close to it. And shelves are not stocked with much today if a person does have spare cash.
My Lovely Wife gripes at me some when I come home with another bag of rice or beans but that's good eatin', cheap.
Whole meal protein shakes are good also. I’ve lived off those and healthy fats many a times. Many people forget some of these vitamin stores have good meal replacements.