If you are a subscriber, as I am, to the lore that DJT was tapped to help save the United States of America from an internal Marxist take over, orchestrated by the deep state, then you are in good company and I salute you.
Here cometh the red pill for the red pilled. DJT was in or on the periphery of the world we call the DS long before he was a blip on our radar for being an actor on the world stage in politics and such.
After exhaustive research, I find Trump to be the utmost honorable billionaire who ever skirted the realms of hierarchal power and villainy that exists in the multi-billionaire club.
Back to lore, the department of defense as an agency, is the largest employer in the world. The department of defense has also stolen 40 trillion dollars according to Kathrine Austin Fitts and is clearly a DS controlled entity.
And yet, Trump was tapped by hidden patriots, ghosts in the machine of the DOD and 5 branches of the military at that time, to run for president and stop the Marxist take over of America.
I believe that is not only possible but is what happened. However if you think some rag tag bunch of military patriots were the only ones supporting Trump you are mistaken.
If you can believe the former lore than perhaps you should take note of the lore behind the power.
13 families with ancient bloodlines own and control most of the population of this planet. These are the same individuals that own controlling shares in Black Rock and Vanguard, which in turn owns and controls everything else from Pepsi and Coke a Cola to Phizer and Moderna.
The lore continues that 4 of those 13 families disagree with the inbred bat shit crazy majority and think the world would be a better place if there were less controls and if the people where allowed freedom their prosperity and ingenuity would lift this whole planet up to a better world for all.
So if my logic holds true, Trump has been affiliated with and is aiding the minority families and interests of what is still the DS. I am still all in for Trump and freedom and even if I am siding with one faction of the DS vs another I choose the faction that wants to free the world so innovation tempered with love for all can lift us all up higher.
Humanists are not heros. Humanists are self-focused, self-congratulatory, self- "evolved," and to a person, self-important atheists.
Chose a different term for the heros who are the historical opposing force to the "13"
Where you getting this from?
Humanism. It is all about mankind removed from a Supreme God at the center of all existence who as the objective standard defines "good." Humanism is at the foundation of every self-focused, self-congratulatory, self- "evolved," and to a person, self-important atheist who ever led God-less governments which brought death and slavery to the masses -- all for the common good
Start here and dig further.
I knew that this definition of Humanism was fairly new bastardization of the word, but turns out the original definition of the word is not great either.
It's a really good term though, esp when talking to newer folk who dont know/like terms like Cabal, and who tune off when you say "Good vs Evil".
Any alternative suggestions that work as great for this purpose?
White Hats. It's become a fairly established term in this age, and the connotation for its usage has an historical reference which remains unchanged. Easy for normies to understand.