FDA Makes Shocking Admission: Getting Pfizer’s Covid Booster & Flu Jabs On Same Day May Cause Stroke
The FDA just made a shocking admission that seems to have been ignored by the mainstream media.According to the US Food and Drug Administration, getting a flu shot and Pfizers' Covid bivalent booster on the same day 'may increase your risk of having a stro...
Hmm what other meds does it interact with that they haven’t admitted to so far? They’re trying to demonize the current flu non mRNA shot to change it to mRNA and they’ll say it’s perfectly safe because they both are when truthfully mRNA shots in general seem to be as safe as Russian roulette.
Don't accept anything from big pharma including a cup of water.
Just getting only one of them at anytime can result in stroke.
Yes. Even one is too many
Neither one of them prevent the disease they are suppose to fix. Neither one of them are a vaccine, so why do people even take the flu shot? I could ask the same of the covid shot, but I know the answer to that one for sure, they are stupid. I guess the same answer could apply to both.
Yes. Stupidity it is.
They have brainwashed the mass to accept the stupid vaccines for a long time. I found people incredibly stupid regarding health.
Flu shot at 11:59pm. Booster just after midnight. Your good.
That's it. One minute apart after midnight would be just fine.