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There is evidence they have survived catastrophic events and learnt the timings of them but not the technology they once had in biblical times. The bible is what happend in hat part of the world after a 138 year phoenix event...replenish the earth it says.go forth and multiply....it's not a creation story.
The annu built the underground cities but I am sure work goes on to build more possibly tanks etc going underground in Ukraine.
Cro magnon man wore buttons on the flies of their pants and shirts and were more technically advanced than we are now..evidence all around us of that. their jewelry found in their graves we couldn't duplicate. They had bigger skulls and were more spiritually advanced. They covered the dead in red ochre as they remembered that was what fell on the earth...mud floods....they were eaten by neanderthals after the cataclysm. Archaix podcast on it and evidence is superb. Time is short. People need to know.
Sounds intriguing, honestly- but please give me one spoiler: why didn't they leave records behind?
They did....archaix talks about them..so do archeologists and scientists but they lose their grants or funding if they talk about things that the rulers of this world don't want you to kno or they are jeered at..imprisoned .reputations ruined. People scientists etc are paid to put out false information...you have no idea ..everything you think is true is a lie....
Gobepli teki was built to warn us..the whole site was built for that purpose..and now it gets called a religious site and tell us they carefully buried it under mountains of mud...no it was a phoenix phenomenon and red sand or mud falls from the sky. We are getting some even now...
There are also periodic destructions wiping out almost all the world....again some people don't want you to know about it..they hide underground and escape it ..leaving everyone else to take their chances...then they come up with the technology etc and take over..write books write the history they want you to believe. The last reset 1901/2. Look at how the Rockefellers founded fortune 500 companies then..how many inventions happened or were said to have happened..look at how many patents were taken out by those familiar bloodlines.
Those you trust the most Q
I must be seeing some of the same documentaries... I do agree that history/archaeology is tremendously distorted beyond recognition, but the structures that survived to be looked at (mischaracterized) now still need proper decoding. There's a jet plane and a helicopter in ancient hieroglyphics.
Yes I have seen them...also what looks like a submarine...when you look at the story of Jonah being sent to nineva by submarine he fled in fear but was found and forced to go on it. His description shows you it's a submarine...
.thing is you are told these things as a child and they become part of your belief system but when you become a man you have to put away childish things...
What I love about Archaix is he has all the dates etc. He is a chronologist. I get exhausted listening to him I ..wish he would stop the coffee and slow down