Eureka!!!! So it’s not the Adrenochrome that makes them live longer!☘️
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Exactly! Do not f*** w/ Mother Nature!
Wonder what wet market they will end up on.
Hey! All we wanted is sharks with friggin' laser beams attached to their heads.
What is this Catfish mixed with Alligator stuff?
Can't anyone deliver a shark with a laser beam on it's head? Is that too much to ask?
Well..... some say that the royals are reptilians.......
Queen accidentally shape-shifts in public. Official announcement from the Royal.UK:
Putin - Queen Shape-Shifted:
Princess Diana - The Awakening of the Bride:
Royals are Reptilians - History:
Arizona Wilder was Satanic Priestess- (Graphic):
Queen scares boy: Ignore the stupid host of the clip trying to dismiss it as nerves. Watch it without sound.
Queen Has Entered A New Phase:
Watch us end up with Catfish that swarm like Pirahana and suddenly get teeth.
Oh, for FFS.