Funny how the times change....
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City deed restrictions are awful
if illegal aliens keep chickens, NO one calls the cops/animal control
If Americans do (any race) I guarantee people report them
I've heard that there are other types of fowl that are much quieter than chickens. Most people complain about the roosters crowing.
I wouldn't live in a town ever again. I was in a small one years ago, but it wasn't bad. I think I could've had chickens there, and no one would have complained.
Well f* them. There are worse noises than roosters (like guineas xD).
If they want quiet, they can go live on acreage away from society. Like these apartment dwellers that choose to live in close proximity to others and then complain about the noise--you made your bed, sleep in it, in noise-cancelling headphones if need be.
We’ve been discussing getting chickens the past week or two. I was really on the fence about it but this seems to be a sign pushing me to a yes
Except chicken feed costs are excessive these days. Sell what you don’t eat to make it financially feasible. We have always bought farm eggs. PreBiden was $2/dozen. Now $3-$4/dozen.
If you're raising livestock to save money, you won't. It's more expensive. We raise all of our own chicken, beef and pork and it costs more than what I would pay at a grocery store. But what I get in return free range egg yolks that are a golden orange with the full concentration of nutrients. Pasture raised beef raised on a variety of pasture grasses. Even the hay we supplement the cows with, we know the farmer who grows that hay. He lives one town over and is a friend of ours and delivers us a bunch of round bales on his gooseneck trailer. The kids love jumping across the bales and they try to "parkour" big gaps. Our pork also is pasture raised. They are allowed to root, dig willows and do everything pigs naturally live to do. The result is well marbled, tender meat. Going back to the cows, I'm lactose intolerant if I buy milk from a grocery store, but when we milk our cows and I drink it raw, my body has no problem digesting. The majority of food sold in grocery stores is poison. Avoid processed food and go for organic, non gmo, pasture raised and free ranged. It's more expensive, but I've noticed a big different in energy and mental clarity. I have more energy and better mental processing ability in my 30s than I ever did in my teens and 20s when I was supposed to be "at my peak". The main things I changed was diet: no more chips, soda, candy, highly processed foods. Replaced that with pasture raised, free range, organic anything. Primary diet of meat, vegetables and carb (bread, pasta, potatoes). I drink coffee in the AM and water the rest of the day. I will enjoy wine or scotch in the evening if I desire. The other thing I stopped doing was watching TV. That stuff is brain rot. I now watch things where I learn new skills. The last year or so I've been studying electricity and solar power (we live off grid) and can now calculate, size and assemble a full solar power system for a home.
Now Uncle Sam will tamper with the feed to your chickens cannot produce eggs.
I'm pretty sure,chickens can live on regular grain and bugs. They might not produce as much,but should be fine. They didn't have special chicken feed in the old days.
A couple days ago, on Twitter, I read a feed addressing a problem with hens laying eggs. They stopped completely in most cases. They were feeding them the tractor plus(?) Feed - when swapped to goat feed or local made feed, the chickens all went back to laying eggs within a day or so of the feed swap. They screwing with the food
Read that as well,just feed them regularly animal food,they are not picky.
Tractor Supply. I walked into one in Dallas to buy Ivermectin back in 2020. They had a sign up chastising anyone purchasing it for human consumption. I haven’t trusted them since.
They can live on anything. My stepmom feeds hers (in addition to regular corn/grain feed) spoiled leftovers. So not only are they egg machines, but they're also garbage disposals!
The problem with feed is that some of it is low protein. Hens need a lot of protein when they're laying.
Yep. Have been hearing this online, and recently my father in law heard it from his employee. Our chickens are free range and we supplement with organic feed if need be. Our chickens have never stopped laying. Production slows in the winter, but we're still eating eggs.
Word to the wise. You do need room for chickens. A suburban back yard will get eaten up and torn up in months by a couple adult Hens. There won't be a speck of green left.
They're pretty messy also, stinky.