If so, Trump needs to specifically say that and promise that to the voters at his rallies and post that on his TS. Tell everyone the upcoming 2024 presidential election will NOT be stolen this time. "I promise you 2024 will NOT be stolen. Please everyone, get out and vote."
2016 2016 2016 2016 2016
2024 wont be stolen.
If so, Trump needs to specifically say that and promise that to the voters at his rallies and post that on his TS. Tell everyone the upcoming 2024 presidential election will NOT be stolen this time. "I promise you 2024 will NOT be stolen. Please everyone, get out and vote."
Right, because telegraphing your moves to your enemy is the way to go.
But if "nOtHiNg CaN StOp WhAt Is CoMiNg", then it shouldn't matter what they know, right?
Can't have it both ways....