If so, Trump needs to specifically say that and promise that to the voters at his rallies and post that on his TS. Tell everyone the upcoming 2024 presidential election will NOT be stolen this time. "I promise you 2024 will NOT be stolen. Please everyone, get out and vote."
In reality, its up to EACH citizen to ensure the integrity of THEIR elections. Those who expect Daddy T to do their jobs for them are still enslaved by death cult infant "think".
President Trump/Q+ is doing his jobs and is depending on each one of us to do ours. Otherwise the NWO psychopaths will defeat us and America will be destroyed. Forvever.
If he did say that then the MSM would freak out and start screeching 24/7 about how Trump’s going to start another coup, and that it’s actually been Trump rigging elections all along.
Yeah, but a lot of old-school Republicans feel disenfranchised over the last 2+ elections. Don't think it's even worth it to go out and vote. Trump needs to address this IMO.
2016 2016 2016 2016 2016
2024 wont be stolen.
If so, Trump needs to specifically say that and promise that to the voters at his rallies and post that on his TS. Tell everyone the upcoming 2024 presidential election will NOT be stolen this time. "I promise you 2024 will NOT be stolen. Please everyone, get out and vote."
Why would you want Daddy T to lie to you?
In reality, its up to EACH citizen to ensure the integrity of THEIR elections. Those who expect Daddy T to do their jobs for them are still enslaved by death cult infant "think".
President Trump/Q+ is doing his jobs and is depending on each one of us to do ours. Otherwise the NWO psychopaths will defeat us and America will be destroyed. Forvever.
If he did say that then the MSM would freak out and start screeching 24/7 about how Trump’s going to start another coup, and that it’s actually been Trump rigging elections all along.
Optics matter, not for us but for normies.
Yeah, but a lot of old-school Republicans feel disenfranchised over the last 2+ elections. Don't think it's even worth it to go out and vote. Trump needs to address this IMO.
If DJT was "starting another coup" and "rigging the elections all along," how will the MSM explain 2020?
Right, because telegraphing your moves to your enemy is the way to go.
But if "nOtHiNg CaN StOp WhAt Is CoMiNg", then it shouldn't matter what they know, right?
Can't have it both ways....