Knew Covid engineered to make it infectious to humans but was silenced
Covid was the name of the disease caused by a new coronavirus, which led to a new respiratory disease in Wuhan, China, which rapidly spread throughout the world, firstly Italy and then to the rest of Europe, America, South America and the Far East.
But what makes you think he is credible on THIS subject?
A mechanic who know Chevys might not know enough about Mercedes to get the job done.
Has he considered the possibility that "turbo cancers" came about immediately after the vaxx injections, and that they might be caused by something nefarious in the injections?
Looks like I am.
I am amazed how many people here have completely missed the point of a red pill material. Its not for us to sit in the basement splitting hairs. It's what we can put in front of the deep sleepers. Many of them do not even look at stuff that does not come from one of the main stream publications.
This is the only utility of this article - you can throw it in front of your uncle or grandma and not get called conspiracy theorist.