Knew Covid engineered to make it infectious to humans but was silenced
Covid was the name of the disease caused by a new coronavirus, which led to a new respiratory disease in Wuhan, China, which rapidly spread throughout the world, firstly Italy and then to the rest of Europe, America, South America and the Far East.
Actually, I am quite new to germ vs terrain (last 3 years). If virology is the smoke, vaccinology is surely the mirrors. I am quite convinced the latter is not just a sham but a devilishly sinister, dare I say eugenicist and totalitarian one at that. Still working my way through the topic’s greatest hits (such as the eponymous title I name-dropped above, and Dissolving Illusions and more in the pipeline) but I realise to have a rounded understanding, I have to explore virology. I will start with Virus Mania and see where I go from there. These are endlessly fascinating topics, and for obvious reasons, should be front and center of every curious-minded soul right now. I enjoy juxtaposing the views of the afore-mentioned Drs with other dissidents who are at various points on the spectra for both viruses and vaccines, from traditionalists like Malone to emerging radicals like Kirsch and Yeadon. I can listen to all these great conversations forever, and frankly would love to see more debates and discussions from all ends of these spectra. It does sometimes feel that I am watching a collection of very great enquiring minds all picking away at loose threads in the fabric of everything that has come to define their professional and inner worlds, only to realise that they have been living inside a medical, pharmaceutical construct, a war game of sorts, where they are unwitting infantry and not the generals they thought they were.
Any suggestions for exploring virology, I am all ears.