It does seem ridiculous. But what is actually going on, who knows? I don't buy the "distraction" narrative every time something happens. The Fake News doesn't need to distract from anything, they just won't cover it. There could be Chinese jets over American soil and if the Fake News decided not to cover it no one would ever know. It would just be some crazy conspiracy theory. At this point I just assume everything they say is a lie.
Truth is proven and demonstrated
Alien talk doesn't meet that measure.
GAW is about American restoration.
I am sure that there is a WIN site for 👽 discussion.
If only they had thought to have a kid trapped inside, like the guy from Colorado a few years back...
OMG, I remember that vividly. Freaking jerk.
I'm pretty sure a bunch of rednecks in Montana would have shot it down by now.
It's amazing how many idiots think they can fire a bullet 12 miles into the sky.
just warming up the coils on the railgun
The balloon is hanging out at least ten miles above the earth.
That's well over 52,000 feet at best. Jet airliners don't fly much over 40,000 feet.
It does seem ridiculous. But what is actually going on, who knows? I don't buy the "distraction" narrative every time something happens. The Fake News doesn't need to distract from anything, they just won't cover it. There could be Chinese jets over American soil and if the Fake News decided not to cover it no one would ever know. It would just be some crazy conspiracy theory. At this point I just assume everything they say is a lie.
Could this be a distraction from the project Veritas videos that came out recently?
Psyop by the U.S. military is my initial thought.
Spy balloons.
Weather balloons.
Anything suspicious, or unidentified in the atmosphere is some kind of fucking balloon, don't ya know.
. . . Courtesy of the Clowns In America, and their ilk.
It's a lot more plausible than being a UFO.
I don't believe in UFO's, and I sure don't believe in atmospheric balloony ones! 😂
you think its more likely that we are the only inhabited planet in existence?
Never mind what I think. I'm not in the mood to argue with a alien nerd.
how you on gaw without caring about truth?
Truth is proven and demonstrated Alien talk doesn't meet that measure. GAW is about American restoration. I am sure that there is a WIN site for 👽 discussion.
who are you to say what has been proven? you don't have all the info
Showing evidence would end all doubts. Satan is a master deceiver.
showing evidence would end all doubts?? that is a ridiculous statement to make on GAW, of all places.
People see the evidence they want to see, and you know it.
Buh buh buh.. Orange man bad.