The ineptitude and failure of the US government is being made more visible every day. Think of the embarrassments on the world stage the US has endured under Biden - the southern border crisis, the Afghanistan debacle, the election fraud, Ukraine, Covid mishandling, vaccine fraud, loss of autonomy to the WHO, Hunter, document-gate, strategic petroleum reserves sold to China, and now a satellite from a hostile power floating over US territory.
The balloon brings the reality that the physical security of the United States is not being protected by this administration in a way that is hard to ignore. Maybe it will be an awakening event.
The single most critical task for any government is to protect it's citizens and the current administration is failing miserably yet again but this one could be fatal. How do we know this "weather balloon" isn't an EMP Device? We won't know until it's too late. So, who is going to step forward and take charge of the fiasco we call America?
Husband just said the same thing. Maybe that’s why potato head isn’t saying anything