As a super handsome Gen Xr, it's hard not to see Mockingbird's concerted efforts over the decades to destroy God and thus, family.. They in fact had me believing it is the naive who believe in God. That is, Jesus is fairy tale the weak-minded hide behind.
And I guess that could have worked. But they got too desperate to hang on and exposed themselves as the total faggots they are. Consider, an unindicted JFK assassination co-conspirator by the name of George H.W. Bush was the Director of the CIA, ffs. After his father, Prescott Bush's failed coup in 1934! Would this faggot not be the worst direcotr of the CIA imaginable? He comes from a family of shadowy tyrants and bankers. It is obvious where these lizard and lizard children slithered away to. They are the foundation of the deep state that wishes to control us.
Joe Kennedy Jr. died in mysterious circumstances in WWII. Very mysterious - looks like the work of the CIA-precursor, the OSS faggots. Yet George H.W. Bush crash landed his plane safely away from the action on Iwo Jima to appear like a war hero. With his Avenger at the bottom of the sea, there is no evidence he was every shot at other than the words that come out of his faggot mouth. As bankers like Bush only got richer and richer from the bloodbath they created.
The Bushes are a menace to the world. I don't know what was exactly in the letters they got at McShitty's funeral. But I think I could sense the jist.
The sad part is that the Bushes evildoers haven’t paid for the horrible crimes have done per ages and they still here. Maybe Bush senior is with his father Satan enjoying fire baths.
As a super handsome Gen Xr, it's hard not to see Mockingbird's concerted efforts over the decades to destroy God and thus, family.. They in fact had me believing it is the naive who believe in God. That is, Jesus is fairy tale the weak-minded hide behind.
And I guess that could have worked. But they got too desperate to hang on and exposed themselves as the total faggots they are. Consider, an unindicted JFK assassination co-conspirator by the name of George H.W. Bush was the Director of the CIA, ffs. After his father, Prescott Bush's failed coup in 1934! Would this faggot not be the worst direcotr of the CIA imaginable? He comes from a family of shadowy tyrants and bankers. It is obvious where these lizard and lizard children slithered away to. They are the foundation of the deep state that wishes to control us.
Joe Kennedy Jr. died in mysterious circumstances in WWII. Very mysterious - looks like the work of the CIA-precursor, the OSS faggots. Yet George H.W. Bush crash landed his plane safely away from the action on Iwo Jima to appear like a war hero. With his Avenger at the bottom of the sea, there is no evidence he was every shot at other than the words that come out of his faggot mouth. As bankers like Bush only got richer and richer from the bloodbath they created.
The Bushes are a menace to the world. I don't know what was exactly in the letters they got at McShitty's funeral. But I think I could sense the jist.
The sad part is that the Bushes evildoers haven’t paid for the horrible crimes have done per ages and they still here. Maybe Bush senior is with his father Satan enjoying fire baths.