We are all frustrated and angry with things currently, however as I'm sure you know if we advocate or commit violence it will bring the ending faster, but likely not the ending we want.
We haven't seen solutions yet, because we don't know what they are. Once we have the solution, then we can begin the treason trials and serve punishment, and watch them swing.
I think we need to stop regarding government as an authority and start treating them as an option. We can obey when it suits us, and ignore them when it doesn't. If they force violence through police or other methods, then it won't be us who started it, we only fought back.....
We are all frustrated and angry with things currently, however as I'm sure you know if we advocate or commit violence it will bring the ending faster, but likely not the ending we want.
We haven't seen solutions yet, because we don't know what they are. Once we have the solution, then we can begin the treason trials and serve punishment, and watch them swing.
I think we need to stop regarding government as an authority and start treating them as an option. We can obey when it suits us, and ignore them when it doesn't. If they force violence through police or other methods, then it won't be us who started it, we only fought back.....
Just a thought.
You nail the crux of it. 'Government' is indeed a mere fucking option and we've let them get way way too ahead of themselves. ❤️