261 If this has already been shared, my bad, but look at the two arrows in the ground in the bottom right in this cover art for the January 2015 issue of The Economist. The WHO declared COVID a pandemic on March 11, 2020 (11.3 in European style dating.) Biden has declared the emergency will end on 5.11 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 years ago by GetsTheNogginJoggin +261 / -0 110 comments download share 110 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
And they haven't pierced anything, did they miss their mark?
11.3 is supposed to be a marker, according to the Q posts, right?
Yes, it is mentioned in multiple contexts.
Not sure about 11.5, or if it’s in the Law of War
It is. Page 773.
Thanks for sharing!
11.5 is the occupying powers responsibility to keep the public safe in wartime.
So because of the clot shot, the occupying power did not uphold its responsibility? And the riots?