332 New data shows that 100% of COVID deaths in Canada are being caused by the mRNA vaccines that were forced on the population by the Trudeau regime and Big Pharma. (www.eutimes.net) posted 2 years ago by penisse 2 years ago by penisse +333 / -1 100% of COVID Deaths in Canada Now Due to mRNA Vaccine, New Data Shows New data shows that 100% of COVID deaths in Canada are being caused by the mRNA vaccines that were forced on the population by the Trudeau regime and Big Pharma. Covid deaths in Canada doubled in 2022 with a 85% vaccinated population. Health Canada reports... 27 comments share 27 comments share save hide report block hide replies
No, Ohio in the good olde U.S.A.
Well that ONA excludes OK, OR, and ONT then. The title mentions Castro Jr. so my thoughts ONA was ONT. Not so. At any rate, best of blessings to you.
Sorry ONA=Ohio Nurses’ Association.