Miss qaggregator.news? Want a little more clock in your proofs? Try https://anontools.xyz
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Yes I created the .xyz site; I didn't mean to imply I wasn't able to work with the images.
My point was that it's hard to get anons to archive the posts offline because the separate post text/image format inherently is cumbersome to manage for a non-technical user.
Oh my mistake, I thought you were having issues with some programming aspect.
Iirc there was a pdf floating around with all the q posts, though I’m not sure if it’s been updated for the more recent posts. Pdfs are usually user friendly, but then you have that one paranoid guy who thinks it’s executing malicious code when you open it.
Hah well one can never be too careful. ;)
I do have that .pdf and it's a good one. I've thought about ordering a printing of it and having it sent to everyone in my zip code!
The zip of images, is it just screenshots of each post or something else.
Any chance you can send me a copy?