Our entire history of comments is the best place to start.
You will not find many answers in mainstream media.
One of the many reasons for that is that John Jeffry Louis controls the nation’s largest newspaper empire. He is one of many closely connected with Racine elites.
NPR was also conceived in Racine, and Racine is closely connected with Silicon Valley, Cornell Tech, Microsoft and other big tech and big media organizations.
The President of Microsoft and key advisor to Bill Gates, Brad Smith, grew up in Racine.
Our entire history of comments is the best place to start.
You will not find many answers in mainstream media.
One of the many reasons for that is that John Jeffry Louis controls the nation’s largest newspaper empire. He is one of many closely connected with Racine elites.
NPR was also conceived in Racine, and Racine is closely connected with Silicon Valley, Cornell Tech, Microsoft and other big tech and big media organizations.
The President of Microsoft and key advisor to Bill Gates, Brad Smith, grew up in Racine.
woah, i just looked at our search and this one slipped through in full, gonna have to take a trip down there when i can.