With history so distorted, I have wondered IF those Myan/Incan (I don't recall which group) carvings were a warning about today's satanic cabal performing abortions. I will need to find those pics again to see if they look like an abortion/C-section removing an unborn child.
I've been reading about 'hylics' which are supposedly 1/3 of people; they're like automotons-no God connection, perhaps the elite are empty hylics/possesed by demons?? the other two types are pneumatic (connected to God) and psychic (in-between/could have a connection if they pursue it)
With history so distorted, I have wondered IF those Myan/Incan (I don't recall which group) carvings were a warning about today's satanic cabal performing abortions. I will need to find those pics again to see if they look like an abortion/C-section removing an unborn child.
Nah, seems pretty clear they are hearts removed to me.
It was probably all of them.
I've been reading about 'hylics' which are supposedly 1/3 of people; they're like automotons-no God connection, perhaps the elite are empty hylics/possesed by demons?? the other two types are pneumatic (connected to God) and psychic (in-between/could have a connection if they pursue it)