In regards to the Hogwarts legacy reviews, nearly every single one includes disclaimers about JK Rowling and all the harm she has caused with a scientifically backed "opinion". But some go here:
Hogwarts Legacy cannot and should not be judged solely on its own merits, because the end result of supporting this game financially and socially isn’t simply a matter of how much you’ll enjoy it, or how nostalgic it might be to experience the world of Harry Potter.
If you purchase this game – if you praise its qualities and encourage others to ‘support the developers’ or ‘treat yourself to a guilty pleasure’ – you are making a choice that will harm the transgender community, whether you want to admit it or not.
Full link:
I read all the books as a kid and I can say I enjoy the movies. It's nostalgic for me, and I always wanted to go to hogwarts as a kid. School in a giant magical castle where shenanigans happen??? Sign me up! Sounds much more enjoyable and honestly probably more useful than the modern public schools. Quidditch was also a game I would've loved to play.... As a former sportsball guy kek