The few people I knew directly that died from Covid had either been put on a ventilator or just received a ‘vaccine. The deaths now are not about the virus, but the shot given to the people. And let’s not call it a vaccine anymore, as it is nothing but a jab to fill you with a poison in order for your early death.
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What did they need dozens of biolabs for if there was no covid bio weapon released on the world population? Im serious. What do you think all of them are for and what do you think they were/are doing in them?
My best hunch is genetic / ethnic targeting of populations. Call it Vaxxicide. Something far more evil than re-purposing influenza. C19 was a psyop to condition the sheeple to fall in line & give up their liberties when the “next” (real & far deadlier) bioweapon is released. Free individuals do not vote themselves into tyranny. It’s a stepwise progression of the sleeping masses. Election thievery & public crisis exploitation are the means to the end.
Why didnt the narrative n ‘20 simply say flu season was going to extremely bad that year as there was a new strain going around? Not enough Fear to promote change & or control the sheeple. The boogey-man story gave it “credibility” as a disease and we got election fraud & largest wealth transfer in history as small businesses were crushed & “essential” corps were not.
Parasites. Gmo parasites. Parasites in the vaccines. This is why I feel anti parasite meds work so well