EXCLUSIVE: The Same Person Who Slipped Up that Obama Was Spying on Trump Is the Same Person Who Oversaw DoD Unit that Sent $23 M...
You just can’t make this stuff up. The same person who slipped up in an interview and told the world that the corrupt Obama administration was spying on then-candidate and citizen Donald J. Trump, is likely the same person that approved $23 million for Hu...
How gorgious, this look they have after the Iranian tyrants have shot out one eye of each of these two beauties for protesting. Nice and pretty one-eye look - so happy both of them
I would look different for sure!
Lmao are people actually that stupid? Shot out their eye??? How can anyone believe that?
You gave the answer: "believers"
opposite to logical thinkers!
How could they shoot out an eye without blowing off their head?