EXCLUSIVE: The Same Person Who Slipped Up that Obama Was Spying on Trump Is the Same Person Who Oversaw DoD Unit that Sent $23 M...
You just can’t make this stuff up. The same person who slipped up in an interview and told the world that the corrupt Obama administration was spying on then-candidate and citizen Donald J. Trump, is likely the same person that approved $23 million for Hu...
Obama is the suspected person on the other end of the phone per Hunter Biden's phone records (from his laptop) per Hunter's phone call first to his father and then to a DC number when Joe Biden was known to be in Massachusetts around Thanksgiving 2016 (right before Trump's inauguration). It appears he was getting instructions from someone in DC. Unable to confirm for sure, but it looked like a White House exchange number to me.
It was a while ago, but I did the timestamp analysis back in Nov/Dec 2020 when the laptop files got dumped onto patriots.win. I was able to match up Joe's location to one of the phone calls from Hunter's phone records. Obama's location was not publicly reported, and it appears that Joe was not at Obama's residence in MA at the time.
At that time there were also bank account records that allowed you to trace Hunter's bank account and transfers back to a Chinese bank, but i believe that was all published in the Senate Investigation done in 2020 before the election.
I've been saying it for a while now -- strong chance that the Big Guy is obama not biden.
There certainly is some Obama exposure that needs to happen. Very likely it is Obama in the basement as Obama said himself for a "third term", on camera no less. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI2Xtqd4Mts