Well, in terms of education that boat sailed long ago to the detriment of society. When Mr. Rogers was on it almost seemed boring compared to the fast pace of Sesame Street, but that was all part of the programming to mess with the brain and lure kids to visual excitement, rather than the slower pace of reading a book or telling a story...it is a sad state of affairs with what it takes to interest kids nowadays...no wonder there is so much ADD, ADHD and hyperactivity...
In the video it is obvious that the sweet and healing engergy of his soul touches everybody in the room for the benefit of all.
It is so essential that kids are raised and educated by humans like him and it should be mandatory for being hired in such positions.
Well, in terms of education that boat sailed long ago to the detriment of society. When Mr. Rogers was on it almost seemed boring compared to the fast pace of Sesame Street, but that was all part of the programming to mess with the brain and lure kids to visual excitement, rather than the slower pace of reading a book or telling a story...it is a sad state of affairs with what it takes to interest kids nowadays...no wonder there is so much ADD, ADHD and hyperactivity...