"DeSantis is the oNlY pEsOn actually doing anything" == an Establishment Republican psyop being spread by CON Inc Media and complicit "influencers".
It is, in fact, totally untrue.
Fortunately, anyone who believes its true can easily find evidence that they are psyop damaged and can quickly start correcting that damage. This will include learning who caused the damage and how.
DeSantis is the only person actually doing anything.
"DeSantis is the oNlY pEsOn actually doing anything" == an Establishment Republican psyop being spread by CON Inc Media and complicit "influencers".
It is, in fact, totally untrue.
Fortunately, anyone who believes its true can easily find evidence that they are psyop damaged and can quickly start correcting that damage. This will include learning who caused the damage and how.