Trump :I will be doing, by popular request, a live and full “Play by Play” analysis of The State of the Union Address, TONIGHT ON “TRUTH” AT 9:00 P.M. If properly done, and if Joe has just a modestly good night, this speech has the opportunity to rival any of the World’s great orators.." (Kek!)
W W G 1 W G A

Monitoring pre-SOTU broadcast on C-SPAN...
Broadcast cut to a shot of the White House, entrance where Jerk and Jill will be exiting to get into the limo to drive to the Capitol.
There was no Marine guard at the entrance at 8:25 PM EST... standing well back from the entrance was a uniform Secret Service officer.
Will continue to monitor...
Mitt Romney currently standing in the middle of a bunch of Democrat Senators near the entrance door to the Senate Chamber.
Jack and Jill came out... no Marine guard at door.... that is strange!