Now you are dealing with facts. See if you can frame everything happening like that. See if it makes more sense than .. other narratives. When you see that it does, look at everyone through that lens, and not just people that say the passwords. It will make much sense this way and you'll start to see what narratives have been wasting everyone's time.
There is an incestual relationship between government and business with people moving back and forth freely. This can only be called what it is -- corporate fascism. We live in a fascist State where neo-feudal authoritarianism is the end game. The lives of the serfs are inconsequential and the neo-feudal fascist State works hard at perfecting AI and automation to force us into slavery and outright obsolescence.
I’m starting to fully understand that our corporations are run by satanic families and they have captured the government via blackmailed politicians.
Now you are dealing with facts. See if you can frame everything happening like that. See if it makes more sense than .. other narratives. When you see that it does, look at everyone through that lens, and not just people that say the passwords. It will make much sense this way and you'll start to see what narratives have been wasting everyone's time.
There is an incestual relationship between government and business with people moving back and forth freely. This can only be called what it is -- corporate fascism. We live in a fascist State where neo-feudal authoritarianism is the end game. The lives of the serfs are inconsequential and the neo-feudal fascist State works hard at perfecting AI and automation to force us into slavery and outright obsolescence.