State of what union?
- SALT -
Has anyone seen unity? There is nothing United about America last time I checked.
Thanks. Today I will not be up to par as I think I have either a head/chest cold or the flu. Wish me luck friend.
Dear fren, I wish you to get better very, very soon!
Don't forget to shop for some lemons, elderberry juice (as well as elderberry flower syrup), onions and garlic, BUT THE BEST REMEDY: CHICKEN SOUP with onions, garlic, carrots, cellary root, parsley root and seasoned with some chili.
I will be drinking chicken broth after my husband returns with a vanilla shake to 'cool' down my stomach. I may have cold chills from it, but I have a heating pad on the sofa I've been laying on. I took an ibuprofen 800 due to my bones throbbing. My son got rained out at his construction site where he works 2 weeks when he's here and not in the oil fields, so he sent me home at 10 AM. I have been miserable all day. Thanks and bless you for your concern. P.S. The only difference between my Chicken soup and yours is the parsley root and the chili. Good stuff.
I wish you quick recovery and a night full of healing sleep.
If you want to get rid of it very quickly do the following (all!):
Make yourself the elderberry juice plus hot water and 1/2 lemon (juice to water = 1:3), if you have add ginger! (alternativ: only hot water with lemon juice)
Bath your feet in hot water with salt (4 table spoons). At the same time (sitting at a table) inhale under a towel the hot vapour of a bowl of herbal solution (peppermint, camomille, thyme, ...)
In the meantime your chicken soup is ready to be served (spiced with chili or pepper, garlic, onions and perhaps also ginger) and you eat it comfortly under a blanket on your sofa or already in bed.
Immediately after that go to bed with as much blankets as you can bear and preferably more hot herbal tea or hot lemon water.
Soon you will fall asleep, sweat a lot and wake up renewed!
(please no electrical heating pad due to the electrical currents that mess up your bodies fine tuned "electro-magnetic" system!)
Thanks. It's 11:52 PM CT and I can't sleep. Sneezing my head off. I will be okay. Going to make me some herbed up chicken broth. Take a pain pill and some medication before going back to bed. Just wanted to check on here for a few minutes. Thanks for your concern dear friend. Sweet dreams.