August 19th 2018 - Big League Politics - Big Tech companies are Gov't contractors "Big tech is no longer private and the major Silicon Valley companies are actually extensions of the IC" (Tore wrote this article)
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12333 REVISION: Amended by Bush in its entirety right before he left office. Then Section 2.3 amended by Obama right before HE left office.
ACCORDING TO REVISIONS, the IC (Intelligence Community) is composed of ELEMENTS not employees and these ELEMENTS include PRIVATE companies.In the eyes of the law these private companies are actually government entities and are mandated to provide data etc. Example: CrowdStrike/Carter Page. Memo was NOT accepted because opinion was not given according to IC guidelines. Guidelines include: a contract with IC, continuing/ongoing training, set guidelines to include scope of work.
Tore continues to review law and legal violations that these Big Tech "contractors" have transgressed. Why haven't we applied this starting back in 2018? Tore questions why we DO NOT treat Twitter, etc. as Govt/ IC elements UNDER THE LAW and apply those standards to them??
Tore worked during Bush and Obama admins and she has an intimate understanding of the IC community's contractual relationships with private companies and so forth. She explains that today's panel should include the AGENT LINKS like Elvis Chan, etc. She concludes that today is a WHITEWASH and part of the Republican grift to yell and scream about abuses but never SOLVE the issues, preferring instead to use these hearings as fundraising and re election platforms.
If you have not so much time, go to these timestamps, which I find the most interesting (for example for lawsuits):
Big Tech Companies are CONTRACTRORS, surpressing Free Speech is illegal
Conspiracy to commit offense or defraud
NOTE: Ignore the AJ Infowars ad cover of this, it has NOTHING to do with the video at all and I have no clue what it's doing there, kek
ToreSays - Enjoy the Show
Some notes:
Roger Stone, Ali Alexander and Alex Jones coordinated the J6 entrapment op. Tore has exposed that and the AJ screenshot is related.