438 [Arrests] coming! (truthsocial.com) 💥 B Q Q Q Q M 💥 posted 2 years ago by CastleRock 2 years ago by CastleRock +440 / -2 (@ChristianPatriotNews) [Arrests] coming! 92 comments share 92 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I've said it before and I will say it again, it's all bullshit until they convict and execute someone. Arrests don't mean shit.
Yaah and we've been hearing "mass arrests soon" since 2018
To be fair we've been hearing about arrests since October 2017.
Our patience is at least as spectacular as our resolve in remaining freeface and freeblood patriots.
Yup, I'll believe it when I see it. All empty words and promises right now in a two tiered justice system.
I’ve enjoyed watching the goalposts move here. First it was “arrests or gtfo” and then when people got arrested, like Epstein and Maxwell, more recently McGonigal, the goalpost moved to “executions”