Green is in the 500nm wavelength, the article itself says the lasers the satellite uses are 1572nm which is WAY below the wavelength humans can see, our eyes max out at around 700nm.
Lasers in the 1500nm wavelength would be entirely invisible to humans, and just about any normal camera, it DEFINITELY wouldn't be green to us or any camera as it's infrared. At best it would appear white to a camera and we would NEVER be able to see it with naked eyes.
Bullshit it's for carbon tracking. The whole story is full of info that doesn't make sense.
The holograiliens are coming
CCP getting bold thinking that they got their puppet in charge here.
Starlink is equipped with lasers, not sure what they are used for 🤔
So are some sharks...
Green is in the 500nm wavelength, the article itself says the lasers the satellite uses are 1572nm which is WAY below the wavelength humans can see, our eyes max out at around 700nm.
Lasers in the 1500nm wavelength would be entirely invisible to humans, and just about any normal camera, it DEFINITELY wouldn't be green to us or any camera as it's infrared. At best it would appear white to a camera and we would NEVER be able to see it with naked eyes.
Bullshit it's for carbon tracking. The whole story is full of info that doesn't make sense.
Got ourselves a laser fag over here, boys!
It's my job to understand light wavelengths and how humans see it.
Star Wars