posted ago by Totsugeki ago by Totsugeki +65 / -0

Off the top of my head. Feel free to add anyone else that I missed in the comments.

Two NJ Republican politicians murdered within one week Source

Diamond - Hospitalized around Thanksgiving and later passed away. Cause of death unknown to the public.

Scott Presler - Had a health issue in October 2022 that forced him to stay home and stop registering voters before the election.

Sundance - Lost his roof in a hurricane in October 2022, then his cat unexpectedly passed away.

James O'Keefe - A board member added to Project Veritas in October 2022 is the ringleader currently trying to oust James.

Newsmax - Dropped by DirectTV in January 2022.

Steven Crowder - Public contract dispute with Big Conservative

IMO, it appears that orders from high up were given around October 2022 to start cracking down on any conservative personalities or media who pose a risk to the Enemy. While I believe some of this may be coincidence, like the hurricane that derailed Sundance, others I'm not so sure.