286 () posted 2 years ago by TrumpIsGreat2020 2 years ago by TrumpIsGreat2020 +287 / -1 77 comments share 77 comments share save hide report block hide replies
We've been expecting something to happen every Super Bowl since this drop. Maybe this will be the one?
It seems like most Q proofs have been five year deltas, so based on that maybe Superbowl '24 for this one.
Q's first post was Oct 28 2017. The oldest possible 5 year delta would have been just a few months ago. In fact your claim makes such little sense I would have assumed it was a typo if you hadn't posted the same thing twice.
Oh crap, total brain fart on my part… I was thinking three years, not five. Apologies to anyone confused by that.
Getting old is creeping in as I seem to have stupid memory mistakes like this more and more often the last few years. Ugh.