I was at the hair salon and there were two gentlemen blow drying my hair. Somehow Justin and Haley Bieber came up and one of them mentioned their health problems. I knew Justin Bieber developed a condition, but the gentleman mentioned that Haley had a stroke, which I did not know. I was utterly shocked to hear that. And when he saw my shock, he gestured to me insinuating the jab was the cause. I asked, “the vaccine?” He said, “oh yeah. All these healthy young athletes dropping dead and young healthy people stroking out.” I was surprised by his cantor. We don’t know each other well and definitely wouldn’t peg them to be conservative. They very-well might be, but idk. It feels like the information is out there, but everyone is afraid to talk to each other about it. Gives me hope.
Jab conversation in an unlikely place
I wish I was having the same conversations.
Instead, a colleague just yesterday shared that her mom is constantly talking about all the people in her hometown in Illinois she knows that are dying recently (not Chicago; blue collar land).
I asked if she knew the cause of deaths (i.e., long illness, cancer, heart attack, accident, etc). She said no, her mom didn’t say and she didn’t ask.
She then followed up by saying, “It’s probably dumb people that don’t believe in the vaccine”
Granted, this conversation took place in NYC where they’re still lining up to get tested, boosted, and flu and shingles shots.
Its funny because some people surpise you and don't support the vaxx but then someone who is super intelligent turns out to be a sheeple.
Silence is interpreted as agreement with what was said.
Personally, depending on the person, I would have laughed and complimented the person on their deliciously sarcastic sense of humor that almost convinced me they were being serious.
Then I may have pivoted to adding that, all kidding aside, I feel sorry for the good hearted people who were so intentionally dumbed down that they believed the jab was actually "safe and effective".
Then perhaps I'd add, that thank goodness, neither of us are that dumb. Right after that I'd leave or TOTALLY change the subject.
All that would do (in my personal situation) is create an extremely acrimonious environment. And my job is such that she and I work very closely together. Not to mention the fact that I’m literally the only person in the office that doesn’t agree with her POV. I choose my battles for my mental health, not theirs.
Can’t tell if it’s truly cognitive dissonance, or if she truly believes this shit.
She’s a defund the police, pronouns in bio, pink hair, “I can’t watch Friends reruns anymore because the humor is so problematic,” stop saying ‘come to Jesus moment’, white liberal nearly 40 yr old woman.
It’s a shame. Strip out the politics and she’s very caring individual and we have a lot in common in terms of typical vanity girl interests (hair, makeup, clothes). If she wasn’t so brainwashed, we’d probably be friends IRL. But I just can’t. She’s lost.
I have business to give people and I don’t use the ones that have it pronouns in their bios. I don’t have to refer business to idiots so I don’t.