In a rare win, the World Health Organisation has backed down on proposed International Health Regulation amendments for compulsory vaccination and lockdowns.
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
The show.
Point is to create outrage and wake people up, have increasingly outrageous, fascist , police-state, 1984 level things not only be proposed but approved and start to get implemented.
Only to have them peter out or get walked back before any large-scale bad effects come of them, constantly skirting the edge of that to make people more and more exasperated, outraged and on the precipice of doing something that no one wants to see done.
Or rather repeatedly let DS organically do this on their own only to exercise control to nuke it when needed and otherwise let things escalate until people en-mass starts pushing back, hard....
Unfortunately waking people up and expecting them to stay awake isn't something that can be done for them, they have to do it for themselves, and unfortunately there is rather a lot of unpleasant and even lethal that has to happen to make people en-mass do this...