The wind blows from west to east. This incident happened on the very eastern border of Ohio. It is not going to affect Ohio, it is going to affect Pennsylvania.
The incident happened just west of a very large conservative based section of Pennsylvania as well.
Pennsylvania has a brain dead Senator who most likely is unaware the incident occurred. How does Fetterman fight for his people when he is incapable and refuses to answer questions? Stealing an election, inserting an incompetent leader, almost as if they were preparing for today.
When the pieces fit together you know it was premeditated.
The wind blows from west to east. This incident happened on the very eastern border of Ohio. It is not going to affect Ohio, it is going to affect Pennsylvania.
The incident happened just west of a very large conservative based section of Pennsylvania as well.
Pennsylvania has a brain dead Senator who most likely is unaware the incident occurred. How does Fetterman fight for his people when he is incapable and refuses to answer questions? Stealing an election, inserting an incompetent leader, almost as if they were preparing for today.
When the pieces fit together you know it was premeditated.