Confident we can all agree that the Hollywood folks are 99% scumbags. Recent events in the past 2-3 years have me noticing some very prophetic happenings that we saw in movies years prior:
Outbreak: Predicting Virus spreads and causes national lockdowns (CV19)
Wag the Dog: Predicting The DS spin doctors controlling the media/narrative
White Noise: Predicting Parallels to the Ohio train derailment and chem spill
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind: UFOs/ballons/train derails
Enemy of the State: Predicting the mass surveillance of citizens
A lof of fiction is becoming FACT. Wanted to hear some opinions from Anons. Seems odd that the DS/cabal would tell us their plans thru propaganda (film). Do you think life is imitating art? Was Hollywood warning us (and possibly useful, we just didn't listen/believe)? Is Hollywood simply serving evil or is it trying to provide some good with warning shots we're just not paying enough attention to?
I think the cabal has some code where they have to show what their plans are but they do it in ways that can be written off as "just a movie" or "just a song" or "just a school preparedness drill" or "just an academic exercise (Event 201)"