Remember when they found that Child tracking location in Tucson Arizona located at the Cemex concrete yard...Sawyer came to Town not to aid the investigation but to discredit the people who found it then Pima County and TPD lean on them as time would pass other sites in Texas would emerge that looked like Tucson...on some level Mr. Sawyer is pond scum.
Remember when they found that Child tracking location in Tucson Arizona located at the Cemex concrete yard...Sawyer came to Town not to aid the investigation but to discredit the people who found it then Pima County and TPD lean on them as time would pass other sites in Texas would emerge that looked like Tucson...on some level Mr. Sawyer is pond scum.
This is one of those things people parrot, but no one can show proof of. Was the Cemex story even true? No one can say.
I think the real pond scum is people who support child trafficking, and people who attack those who fight against it...