Bernie Sanders Calls For Minimum Pay Of $60,000 For All School Teachers Despite Failing Public Schools
Public schools are failing all over the country. States like Illinois and Maryland have barely any students performing at grade level. Schools seem more concerned with pushing woke garbage about ‘equity’ than teaching basic skills. Despite all of these pro...
Agreed. While we're at it lets hold off paying sherrifs and police officers until we weed out the ones violating our constitutional rights.
another dinosaur that should have been gone years ago...
One of these days - we will be rid of all the Communist dinosaurs.
not soon enough
Teachers here get an annual salary for working 9 months a year, or about 180 days a year, they get weeks off for thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break, summer, etc. They and their families get full medical benefits paid 100%, retirement, etc. If they want more money, they should work in the summer. Oh, teachers here top out at over $100,000.00 per year. For 180 work days! And yes, I know, it’s a hard job. But they are NOT underpaid.
Wrong bud... you must not know any teachers... I wish I could see 100 k as a teacher but that's what administrators make not teachers
I’m sure it depends on where you live, but my main point was they don’t work a full year and you should take that into consideration when you look at their wages.
I was going to say… my sister is a teacher and during those months of school she is working waaaaaaay more hours than I am with my regular full time job. During the peak of covid insanity she was nearly working 24 hours a day because of how they handled the online school in her district. And she makes less than I do overall and I do NOT have an incredible job or anything.
That was a crazy situation, not the norm. but they still only work 180ish days a year. How many days a year does any other full time employee work? With full benefits and retirement. I’m very familiar with school district pay and benefits. Granted Covid was terrible.
No. It was just worse then. Also… they work more days than the kids go to school. And I don’t know who you think runs the summer schools but… it’s the teachers.
Our teachers work calendar is 180ish days per year. Vs full time non teaching staff who work 260 days per year! They don’t work a full year. My point about summer school…….if they want to make more money they should work summer school.
As a teacher your comments are very misguided... compared to other jobs requiring similar requirements teachers are under paid.
Anymore kids are making the job unbearable due to lack of parental involvement or accountability
??? Didn't Bernie Sanders have a massive heart attack ??? "Go Die" or go away already.
Bernie Sanders needs to go away - stupid old bastard had the democratic following in 2016 - not Hillary- bunch of freeloading kids. And they gifted him a house to keep quiet. He is disgusting
Bernie and minimums.
Just before Trump announced his running, a friend asked what I thought of Bernie's chances.
I said "Pedo enabler says 'what'?
What I knew that he didn't was that Bernie had sponsored a bill to lower the minimum age of sexual consent to 13.
He voted for Bernie.
Vet your candidates and keep your shirt on when you're doing shots with ruskies.
Two general rules of being a good American.
As I commented on another post: abandon the public fool system and those who call themselves teachers.