Are there any supplements anyone else is familiar with that I can take besides this? My low is to low and my high is to high, according to them. I’ve looked at my daily foods and can hardly find anything that has cholesterol in it, other than milk. Could I lose 5-8 lbs, sure..would that make a difference?
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So ... you are on them, and yet the only recommendation is to ... get on them?
If you eat a diet that pushes up blood pressure, then using a drug that lowers blood pressure will sort of "even it all out" to "normal."
But wouldn't a BETTER solution be to STOP eating a diet that pushes it up in the first place? If you did, then you could get OFF the drug that artificially lowers it.
And ... "doctors" have destroyed your thyroid, rather than figure out how to SOLVE THE PROBLEM.
This is typical of that industry.
FINALLY! A doctor who might have some common sense!
Yes, we know. You have MANY reasons to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ... yet you refuse.
If you figure THAT out, maybe you can solve your health problems (for the most part -- a missing thyroid will always be a problem).
It IS your main problem.
It was NEVER cholesterol that was the problem. It was ALWAYS sugar.
There was FRAUD decades ago to make people think otherwise.
Watch this --
Why Doctors are Wrong About Cholesterol: