She has been going to the doctor for all sorts of tests, she says her balance is off and she can't think very well. Says her brain feels cloudy. She believed she was developing neuro decline because that is what her doctor told her.
Then she started developing bumps on her face. They did a biopsy, and the results were pre-cancerous growths. Her dermatologist told her she is seeing this same presentation in many of her patients. They are all complaining about their brain function declining and developing pre-cancerous bumps.
He asked her if she was vaccinated and when she said, "YES", he said that is your problem. He told her the vaccines were killing her and to STOP taking them.
I red pilled my fiancée several years ago. Showed her all the Q proofs along the way. We are both pure bloods. We tried to convince her mother and we failed. My fiancée's brother was also trying to tell her, she called him a conspiracy theorist. I imagine she was calling me a conspiracy theorist as well and my fiancée failed to tell me.
All this time my future mother-in-law was telling my fiancée, you can't believe everything you read on the internet. She has serious Trump derangement syndrome; she wouldn't come visit us because we were unvaccinated.
Well, she finally found a doctor that told her the TRUTH.
My fiancée just told me this news yesterday. It is strange that people will not take advice from people who love them but will take advice from complete strangers.
I think she has finally woken up, I bet this same scenario is going on everywhere. We are winning, slowly and surely.
Stay safe my frens!!!
Wow. That is so sad.
also my mother in law went into the hospital because she tripped and they wanted to take an xray and watch her for a day or two. They talked her into the death shot, she had a massive heart attack three days later, her heart capacity kept dropping then her kidneys stopped working. The doctors were at a loss (yup real head scratcher) and tried a drug to get her kidneys working. She died.